☐ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!
☐ removes a bug
☑ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
What inspired this wish list request?
In the blog post How to detect small shifts in Control Charts @AnnieDudley introduces CUSUM plot in JMP14, shows useful it is to detect small shifts. The blog post illustrates as well that tiny differences of the target value can lead to significant differences of the CUSUM plot.
In order to get a feeling for the sensitivity and to gain new insights, it might be helpful if the target setting could be adjusted more easily, e.g. with a slider.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
Please add a slider for the target value.
dt=Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Quality Control/Engine Temperature Sensor.jmp");
cus = CUSUM Control Chart( Y( :Y ), Target( 102 ), Sigma( 10 ) );
// works with any CUSUM Plot
rcus = current report()[OutlineBox(1)];
neb=rcus["Control Panel",NumberEditBox(1)];
startvalue=neb << get();
rcus["Control Panel",LineUpBox(1)] << prepend (slider box (startvalue-10, startvalue+10, value, neb << set (value )) ) << prepend(Text box(""))
Why is this idea important?
not important. User could play with the target setting and get new insights.
other wishes from