What inspired this wish list request? I was running a bunch of different Proportions in the Tolerance Interval analysis that is located in the Distribution Platform and found going over a lot of different proportions to be too time consuming. I got help with how to script out of it from the community but it seems like this should be a built in functionality
Solved: Re: Inputting a data range and "increment by" into a user input box - JMP User Community
What is the improvement you would like to see? I'd like the ability to put in a min value, a max value, and an increment value and have all the outputs ran automatically in the platform. For an example, if my min is 70 and my max is 90 and I want to have an analysis for every 10 units I could put in something like this:
and get out an analysis for 70, 80, and 90
Why is this idea important? This will save users a lot of time when they want to see a range out outputs. I think this style of input could be used across a range of Analysis Platforms.