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Allow adding column group name as (virtual) prefix (or suffix?) to columns inside that group

What inspired this wish list request? 

Trying to utilize column groups more and more to group data and sometimes I get very confused where this column belongs -> I have a script to prefix all my columns with their group names.



What is the improvement you would like to see? 

Give an option to add column group name as prefix (or suffix) to the columns. In best case this would be some sort of an virtual name we could see in JMP platforms and column list selectors but column names would still be left as the "original" ones. Maybe this would have to be some sort of a column property like we have Short name / Long name.



Why is this idea important? 

Makes it easier to utilize column groups and seeing where my column belongs (for example in graph builder I would immediately see that by X belongs to "Response group" and Y to "Predicted group").



Level XII
Status changed to: Yes, Stay Tuned!

Hello! As @hogi mentions, I believe Column Tags fulfills your request. If you are an authorized user of JMP 18 and would like to give this a try in the next beta release, you can join our Early Adopter program - go to, if you are not already a part of it. There will be new functionality related to column tags in upcoming beta releases, so please let us know what you think! 

Super User

I feel like the implementation of tags which I have seen would be too clunky and wouldn't fill the need I suggested here but this of course could change during the early adopter.

Thank you for that feedback! There will be more updates to this feature in EA 3, so please let us know what you think. If the column tagging feature does not eventually satisfy this wish, I can reopen this and share that feedback.