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Add "Notes" data type to scripts window

It would be helpful to have a way for me to record structured notes as I progress through an analysis. It can be very critical to track why an analysis was done a certain way or why an outlier was removed.


My thinking is to be able to create - in the same place Scripts are stored - a new type called a Note that features a multiline rich-text field for users to add instructions, comments, etc.

(I tried adding only comments to a new script using /* and */ and the script wont save unless there is a non-comment element in the script, even "", so I feel like this would be a low hanging fix - allow scripts to save whatever is typed, even if its only a comment block)




Level VI

Check out the JMP Notebook Add-in by @Justin_Chilton. I believe it is very close to what you are looking for. JMP Notebook 


Level II

That's a pretty neat feature. Thanks for pointing me there.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
We are archiving this request. If this is still important please comment with additional details and we will reopen. Thank you!