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A 3D contour plot for 4D data visualization!

Can you ,please, add a new feature of 3D contour plot type in which multiple layers of 2D colour coded contour plots combined into a 3D cube that can be rotated with a slider, transparency control and data filter to represent and visualize more complex relations among 4 variables directly in one plot.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
We are archiving this request. If this is still important please comment with additional details and we will reopen. Thank you!
Level II

Contour plot shows relation between 3 variables. Two x- and y- axes for 2 independent variables with colour coded contour lines for the dependent variable.

It will be great to extended this capability to 3D contour plot to map the relationship between 3 independent variables and the dependent variable as a 4D data representation tool (as a multi-slice contour plot) with a slider to control which slices or layers are shown, transparency control and data filter.