It is sometimes useful to collect messages or data in a central location from long running scripts, or scripts running on remote computers. Attached are four files that demonstrate this:
Here is an example of how this could look, the clients on the right can be on different computers, or separate copies of JMP on the same computer.
The important code looks like this:
//Create a socket
con = Socket();
//Use a specific address and port on this computer
con << Bind( "", "12345" );
//Tell this socket to be ready for other sockets to connect to it
con << Listen();
//Verify that the connection is active
con << getsockname;
//When something connects to this socket, call a function to handle
//the connection. Accept connections for the next 5 minutes.
con << Accept(callbackfn, 300);
//Now messages can be sent to this connection.
//When all done, close the connection
con << close();
Where the callback function would look something like this (the actual function is more complex, see below):
//Simplified function to handle communication with the client, do not use as is
callbackfn = function( {x},
If( x[2] == "ok",
//Get data
r = x[4] << recv( 1000 );
//While data was received
While( r[2] == "ok",
//Write it to the log
write( Blob to Char( r[3] ) );
//try to get more data
r = x[4] << recv( 1000 );
//close the connection to the client
x[4] << Close;
Here is a slightly more complex callback function that handles blocking (common):
callbackfn = function( {x}, local( {r,msg},
if(try(if(n items(x)==4, 1,0),0),
If( x[2] == "ok",
//Get data
r = x[4] << recv( 1000 );
//While data was received
While( (r[2] == "ok") | (left(r[2],10) == "WOULDBLOCK"),
//Write it to the log
try(write(Blob to Char( r[3] )));
//try to get more data
r = x[4] << recv( 1000 );
if(left(r[2],10) == "WOULDBLOCK", wait(1));
//close the connection to the client
x[4] << Close;
) );
Here is an example of a complete server code:
Names default to here( 1 );
//Table to hold received data
dtLog = New Table( "Log",
New Column( "Time", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "m/d/y h:m:s", 23, 0 ),
Input Format( "m/d/y h:m:s", 0 ) ),
New Column( "Client", Character, "Nominal" ),
New Column( "Message", Character, "Nominal" )
//Wait for and get data from remote machine
receivedata = Function( {c, waittime = 1, waitcount = 10},
//Varaible to store data received from remote machine
blobdata = Char To Blob( "" );
//Make socket is connected
r = c << GetPeerName();
//While receiving data or waiting to receive data
i = 0;
(r[2] == "ok") |
((blobdata == Char To Blob( "" )) & (Left(r[2], 11) == "WOULDBLOCK:" ))
) &
(i < waitcount),
//Get data
r = c << recv( 100000 );
//If no data is received yet, wait
If(Left(r[2], 11) == "WOULDBLOCK:", Wait( waittime ) );
//Write whatever is received to the log
Write( Blob to Char( r[3] ) );
//join data to whatever is already received
blobdata = blobdata || r[3];
return( blobdata );
//Get log info from remote machine, store it in a data table
processlogconnection = function( {c},
//New row in log table
dtLog << Add Rows( 1 );
rowout = N Rows( dtLog );
Column( dtLog, "Time" )[rowout] = Today();
//Get computer name of remote machine
r = c << GetPeerName();
Column( dtLog, "Client" )[rowout] = r[3];
//Get message from the remote machine
Column( dtLog, "Message" )[rowout] = Blob to Char( receivedata( c ) );
//Close the connection
c << Close;
//Function to accept conections from remote machine, calls another
//function to handle communication with that machine
callbackfn = function( {x},
//Call another function with the connection returned from the Accept message
If( x[2] == "ok", processlogconnection( x[4] ) );
//Create a socket
con = Socket();
//Use a specific port on this computer
con << Bind( "", "12345" );
//Tell this socket to be ready for other sockets to connect to it
con << Listen();
//Verify that the connection is active
con << getsockname;
//When something connects to this socket, call a function to handle
//the connection. Accept connections for the next 5 minutes.
con << Accept(callbackfn, 300);
//Now messages can be sent to this connection.
//When all done, close the connection
con << close();
JSL Client
Names default to here( 1 );
//function to send a message to a waiting connection
SendMessage = Function( {message},
//Create a socket
con = Socket();
//Connect to a socket that is already bound to, listening on, and accepting
//connections on a port. This is the server IP address, not the client.
con << Connect( "", "12345" );
//Send data
r = con << Send( Char To Blob( message ) );
///check that the data was sent
if(r[2] == "ok", result = "sent", result = "fail" );
//close the connection
con << Close;
return( result );
//send messages
Write( SendMessage( "Hi" ) );
R Client
sendmessage = function( message ) { con <- socketConnection(host="", port = 12345, blocking=FALSE, server=FALSE, open="r+") write_resp <- write(message, con) close(con) } sendmessage("Hi from R")
Python Client
import socket client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client_socket.connect(("", 12345)) client_socket.send("Hello from Python") client_socket.close() break;
Powershell Client
$socket = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient( "", 12345) $stream = $socket.GetStream() $writer = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter $stream $writer.WriteLine( "Hello from Powershell`n" ) $writer.Flush() $writer.Close()
This is intended to be more of an introduction to socket communication for anyone looking for example code than a functional logging mechanism but I welcome your comments and suggestions!