Take full advantage of JMP and its automation capabilities.
Buying software that cannot grow beyond your initial needs, leads to early obsolescence and expensive replacements. JMP includes many ways to mass-customize, even extend the software to address the unique challenges that arise as usage grows and your organization evolves.
Join the JMP Scripters Club to learn and leverage the JMP Scripting Language and to share their knowledge with fellow JMP users.
Registration page: https://www.jmp.com/en_gb/events/seminars/user-group/usergroup-18may2022.html
Time |
15:30 |
Welcome and Introduction |
15:35 |
Graphical User Interface to Automate the Process of Model Tuning
Diedrich Schmidt (Evonik)
16:05 |
Review of the JSL Makeover Challenge
Act on clicking some line/point in a graph or on an element in a data table
Martin Demel (JMP)
16:15 |
Community Tipp
Jarmo Hirvonen (Murata Electronics)
16:20 |
Purpose of the Scripters Club and Wrap up |
16:30 |
JSL Workshop - Transforming JMP Scripts (Beginners)
- Transform scripts JMP writes for you
- Replace with reference
- Extract and calculate new values
17:00 |
* This agenda is subject to change in content or order without prior notice.