This was asked today at least in chat. Below are couple of possible options on how to handle this (I also posted this to wishlist as suggestionAdd option to extend Graph Builders legend to each page when Page is being used )
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/");
// Use XPatH() and Picture Box with legend
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Show Control Panel(0),
Size(500, 9760),
Variables(X(:DELW_NEMIT), Y(:DELL_RPNBR), Page(:Wafer Number), Color(:Process)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(5)))
lg = (gb << XPath("//LegendBox"))[1];
lg_pic = lg << get picture;
fbs = (gb << XPath("//FrameBox")) << parent;
Remove From(fbs, 1); // first one already has "real" legend
//margins will need to be adjusted depending on GB size
fbs << append(Picture Box(lg_pic, << Margin(Left((gb << get size)[1]-130), Top(-15), Right(0), Bottom(0))));
// Loop over groups one by one while using Where()
nw = New Window("GBs",
lub = Lineup Box(N Col(1));
Summarize(dt, pages = by(:Wafer Number));
For Each({page}, pages,
gb_page_expr = Expr(
Eval(EvalExpr(gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Show Control Panel(0),
Size(500, 500),
Variables(X(:DELW_NEMIT), Y(:DELL_RPNBR), Color(:Process), Group X(:Wafer Number)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(5))),
Where(:Wafer Number == Expr(page))
lub << Append(gb_page_expr);
// gb << Title("");
((lub << Top Parent) << XPath("//TextBox[contains(text(), 'Where(:')]")) << Visibility("Collapse");
// most likely best idea, use By()
gbs = Graph Builder(
Size(534, 456),
Show Control Panel(0),
Variables(X(:DELW_NEMIT), Y(:DELL_RPNBR), Color(:Process)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(1))),
By(:Wafer Number)
@glimond67 there are two options:
use Dialog button (julian demonstrates it here Re: Repeat legend with every page )
go to red triangle -> Redo / Relaunch Analysis
This will open platform menu you can fill (and if you had something already filled those will be kept)
--> // most likely best idea, use By()
This works.
But how to guess there is BY function on Graph Builder, where can it be found in the Graph Builder's Control Panel?
My regular use case mostly has a wrap included, like this.
gbs = Graph Builder(
Size(534, 456),
Show Control Panel(0),
Variables(X(:DELW_NEMIT), Y(:DELL_RPNBR), Wrap( :Die X ), Color(:Process)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(1))),
By(:Wafer Number)
and the scripted BY() still works.
But I don't see how I can produce this from Graph Builder interface alone.
@glimond67 there are two options:
use Dialog button (julian demonstrates it here Re: Repeat legend with every page )
go to red triangle -> Redo / Relaunch Analysis
This will open platform menu you can fill (and if you had something already filled those will be kept)
Thanks a lot @jthi ! It solved my problem