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Random Batch Shelf Life / Stability Analysis


This add-in uses JMP mixed model platform to do stability / shelf-life analysis while considering random batches.  Statistical details for the analysis are found here: Mixed model stability analysis





JMP Version: JMP Pro 17 or newer

Operating System: Windows or MacOS




13Nov2024: Updated Add-in to correct a small issue with the displayed equation under the envelop setting.


Hi Mike, thanks for the nice add-in. However, there's a line indicating that there are reported errors in my graphics scripts. Can you help me on this?Screenshot 2024-08-22 104712.png 


Hi Mike,


Thanks for sharing the add-in, some of Greater China's pharma customers are very interested in it and I've tried using it myself.


Since I felt that the variance components of some of the random effects terms were strange in some of the dataset tests, I looked at the settings for the mixed model launching platform.


The current random effects settings in this add-in are as follows, intended to assess different batches of drugs with different degradation intercepts and slopes.













This may have the same intent as the following settings, but the resulting variance components may not be the same, leading to different estimates of shelf life.













I wonder if there are any relevant notes or considerations in the literature you referenced as to which setting makes more sense?


Thanks again for the great sharing!

@Alex_Xu - since I'm not actually calculating the components, you might want to put that into tech support. The blog I wrote on how the add-in works and which parts I actually wrote is linked at the top of the page. 


@MikeD_Anderson  - Thanks to your reminder, I have searched the literature on the relevant methodology as well as the different considerations.

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