When working with the Measurement System Analysis platform, nested designs will create rows containing information on the 'nest' that each column is contained within (see below).
To make the data tables clearer/easier to interpret, the rows can be recoded to remove the nesting references. The MSA recoder allows users to select multiple columns and removes all nested sections. Simply click the add-in, select the columns you want to remove the nesting references from and the columns will be recoded.
Note: cleaning the rows does not effect the variability gauge analysis as the nesting order is retained, but use on the graph builder/Fit Y by X will treat the groups as crossed rather than nested, be mindful of this when performing analysis.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table();
// Get a list of column names and allow the user to select multiple columns
MSACols = dt << Get Column Names( Character );
New Window( "Select the columns to clean:",
clb = Col List Box( <<Set Items( MSACols ) )
MSACols = clb << Get Selected;
//Apply transformations to each column
dt << Begin Data Update;
// Loop through each selected column and remove anything after [ created by MSA
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( MSACols ), i++,
// Get the current column name
colName = MSACols[i];
// Recode each column
For Each Row(
Column( dt, colName )[] = Word(
Column( dt, colName )[],
Unmatched( Column( dt, colName )[] )
dt << End Data Update;