This add-in makes it easy to create repeatable scripts that perform common data cleaning tasks. It will be particularly helpful for newer scripters who are unfamiliar with JSL conventions and syntax. It contains four point-and click tools:
For more details, see the Help document in the add-in menu.
7/15/2020: Update to v1.1 with 4th tool, "Subset Selected Rows"
Great tool, Jordan!
Very helpful! Thanks, Jordan!
Stupendous, thanks @Jordan_Hiller . Also a great tool for showing full reproducibility in an analysis work-flow (e.g. for "data integrity" purposes in a regulated medical-device or biotechnology environment). This is a much more elaborate instantiation of another add-in that I used to use pretty often when trying to create my analysis reproducibly without scripting: Copy Script For Selected Column(s) to Clipboard
copying @JerryFish and @trish_roth so they can bookmark this per discussion earlier today. Cheers,
Hi Jordan.
Thank you for great tool.
Can you also add support for JMP version 14.
Thanks @PatrickGiuliano for the comments.
Hi @ptolomey! Today I tried to make this tool backward-compatible with JMP 14, but I was unsuccessful. Anybody who has better jsl skills than me is welcome to try and improve it, the code is not encrypted.
Hi Jordan.
I not succeeded to open addinn code in JMP 14.
If possible please provide JSL source code and I will try to compile it for JMP version 14.
This Script is very beneficial !
Hi Jordan,
Great tool, great videos using it! Still on jmp 14, so very happy if you find time to include that!
Can you point me towards the video you mention? Thank you.