You don’t need to book a flight. You don’t need to arrange for a hotel. You don’t even need to leave your home. And it’s free! So, don´t wait anymore and register today.
Specifically, at the entirely online Discovery Summit Europe, you will find:
- JMP R&D staff – including JMP creator John Sall – showing off their favorite parts of JMP 16, JMP Pro and JMP Live.
- Scientists, engineers and other data explorers presenting their statistical solutions to real-world problems via papers and posters.
- JMP experts – authors, teachers, developers and users – excited to discuss your data, your business challenges and your use of statistical techniques.
- Thought-provoking plenary sessions, with the opportunity to ask questions.
- JMP enthusiasts from across industries ready to share their best practices in interactive data exploration.
- JMP systems engineers and customer care staff on hand to make sure you get the most out of the event.
Explore the agenda here: https://discoverysummit.jmp/en/2021/europe/agenda.html
See you soon online!