Often, you want the script user to be able to choose a directory or file when the script runs. This is how your script can obtain the absolute file path, no matter who's using the script. You can use the Pick Directory function with an optional prompt argument, and JMP will open the Browse for Folder dialog and allow the user to navigate to and select a directory. The optional prompt appears in the title bar of the dialog window, and can provide users with information or instructions. For example, the code shown here lets the user know that they should select the costs directory. The function returns a character string specifying the path to that directory, and the string can be stored in a variable to be used by the script later. You can use the Pick File function in the same way when your script requires the file path for a specific file. The Pick File function can take two optional arguments: a prompt, and a file path to a directory. This function launches the Open File dialog window, and returns a character string specifying the absolute file path for the selected file, which can be stored in a variable. For example, the code shown here will launch the Open File dialog window and display "Select Data Set with BMIs" in the upper left corner of the window. Then the user can navigate to the appropriate directory and choose the file.