Sorry, the Sex group example is not so good since it has few (or no) similar names on each group.
here is the same example based on the semiconductor table:
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor");
// Set value ordering to :name after mean :age
Summarize( g = by( :lot_id ), m = Mean( :PNP1 ) );
:lot_id << Set Property( "Value Ordering", Eval( g[Rank Index( m )] ) );
// Variability chart with names grouped by sex ordered after age
Variability Chart(Y(:NPN1), X(:SITE, :lot_id));
it results with the below Var chart (all SITE has same lot_id order) - which is wrong I believe.
How can I plot the lot_id order by PNP1 for every SITE in Var chart using jsl.
Hope I made my request clearer.
I prefer using
Variability Chart(Y(:NPN1), X(:SITE), By (:lot_id));
and not
Variability Chart(Y(:NPN1), X(:SITE, :lot_id));
Also, the statement that I can do this using graph builder from my previous replay here is wrong, I see that now.
Thank you.
Thanks, Adam