Thank you for your extended reply.
I worked on the data sheet and converted the "character date" into a numeric date, column "numdate". Afterwards I covert the numberic date into the format I wanted it to be, column "newdate". However, for some reason the new date does not show for some dates stated in the "date" column. Why does it not take certain dates, i.e. 12.11.14 and converts the numdate value into the new format?
I attached a jmp table with the data for you to actually see the data. I hope this could help solving the issue.
Thanks in advance, Marc
Date DMY(
Num( Left( Char( :Date ), 2 ) ),
Num( Substr( Char( :Date ), 4, 2 ) ),
Num( "20" || Right( Char( :Date ), 2 ) )