Dear @wyler0 ,
I'm not sure whether I interprete your data right,
you have 16 measurements,
done with
- 2 samples,
- 2 experiments
- 2 measurements
- and 2 repititions
and you expect the same value for each?
May be you want to have a look at the variability platform, with variance components, see screenshot.
It looks that your repeatability is very poor, it accounts for 75 % of the variations.
See the manual and script for the analysis attached:
Variance Components (
So you have to find other sources or a suitable measurement first.

Variability Chart(
Y( :Value ),
X( :Experiment, :Sample, :Measurement ),
Model( "Main Effect" ),
Variance Components( 1 ),
Dispatch( {}, "Variability Gauge", OutlineBox, {SetHorizontal( 1 )} )