Right-Click at the top of a formula column, pick Copy Column Properties. You can then Paste Column Properties in a new column. Try the copy and paste Multiple Column Properties; it might be what you are looking for. Select several formula columns first. Before the paste, make several new columns and select them. The paste buffer contains the text of the formulas, like this:
{Add Column Properties( Formula( :a + :b ) ),
Add Column Properties( Formula( :a - :b ) )}
and you could save that text for later. Re-copy it, then Paste Column Properties again.
Copy and paste works in the formula editor (right-click at the top of the column, pick Formula Editor):
You can also script the formula; use the red triangle at the top left of the table and Copy Table Script.
New Table( "Untitled 2",
Add Rows( 1 ),
New Column( "a",Numeric,"Continuous",Format( "Best", 12 ),Set Values( [1] ) ),
New Column( "b",Numeric,"Continuous",Format( "Best", 12 ),Set Values( [2] ) ),
New Column( "c",Numeric,"Continuous",Format( "Best", 12 ),Formula( :a + :b ) )
You can use the JSL editor to build scripts to make your tables with the formulas.