I've been using this solution for my log scale graphing needs. It works great. However, if I want to graph a large number of samples (say > 50) it gives an error (see below). Has anyone run into this before? I've tried adding 'wait();' before and after and in different areas thinking my code just needed more time. It works fine for < 50 samples, anything above gives the error.
Excessive depth in document: 256 use XML_PARSE_HUGE option
in access or evaluation of 'Xpath' , Xpath( "//ScaleBox[@charID='Rel TEQ']" ) /*###*/
Here's my code.
dtstacked3:Parameter3 << set property( "Row Order Levels", 1 );
dtstacked3:Sample ID << set property ("Row Order Levels",1);
gb3 = dtstacked3 << Graph Builder(
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Parameter3 ), Y( :Rel TEQ ), Page( :Sample ID ), Color( :Rel TEQ 2 ) ),
Elements( Bar( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) ),
Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 6, Properties( 0, {gradient(
{Color Theme(
{"Paired Copy 2 2502", 8193, {{254, 207, 132}, {254, 207,
132}, {254, 207, 132}, {254, 207, 132}, {254, 207, 132},
{254, 207, 132}, {114, 171, 187}, {114, 171, 187}, {114,
171, 187}, {114, 171, 187}, {114, 171, 187}}}
), Scale Values( [0 1] ), Width( 12 ), Discrete Colors( 1 )}
)}) )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "400", LegendBox, {Set Title( "" )} )
xx3 = gb3 << Xpath("//ScaleBox[@charID='Rel TEQ']");
xx3 << {Scale("Log"), Format("Best", 10), Min(0.1), Max(80), Inc(1), Minor Ticks(1)};
gb3 << on close( Close( dtstacked3, nosave ) );