Hi @noviJSL,
Our HTML and Interactive HTML export capabilities are only a subset compared to JMP, but we're expanding the capability with every release.
You may have heard that anything not yet supported in Interactive HTML will be mentioned in the log. When you use 'Save HTML', you do not get these warnings in the log, but you should when you use 'Save Interactive HTML'
TableBox is not currently supported in Interactive HTML, so you would need to build your "table" with something that is supported. Like 'H List Box' and 'V List Box'. Also, the expression that is within the 'Web' command cannot be evaluated within the web page as we do not have a JSL language interpreter in our web (JavaScript) code.
With some small changes, the expression in the Web command can be evaluated as your 'table' is created.
Here's an example that does this. The resulting 'table' isn't as tidy looking as a real table, but maybe you can find ways to add spacing to align things better.
path = Get Default Directory();
alist = {"a", "b", "c"};
nlist = {1, 2, 3};
disp_name = {"JMP Home Page", "JMP Home Page", "JMP Home Page"};
link = "https://www.jmp.com/en_us/home.html";
nw = New Window( "Buttons in NW", v = V List Box());
// header row
h = H List Box ();
h << append(TextBox( "ABC" ));
h << append(TextBox( "123" ));
h << append(TextBox( "Links" ));
v << append( h );
For ( i = 1, i <= N Items( alist ), i++, (
r = H List Box();
r << append(TextBox( alist[ i ]));
r << append(TextBox( nlist[ i ]));
bb_expr = Eval Insert(
"\[bb = buttonbox(disp_name[Eval(i)], Web("^link^"), <<underlinestyle)]\"
Eval( Parse( bb_expr ) );
r << append( bb );
v << append( r );
nw << Save Interactive HTML("$DESKTOP/test.htm" );
open("$DESKTOP/test.htm" );
One disclaimer: I ran this in JMP 13, the oldest version of JMP I had installed. It may need some adjustment to work in JMP 12.
I hope this gets you closer to what you need.