I am working on automating (via JSL) the creation of a powerpoint slide deck, which collects the results of several different reports. I'm using my corporate powerpoint template, and I've made the first slide in the master slides to be the one I want to use for the slides I create with JMP. Here is some example JSL that does this.
_vc1=Variability Chart(
Y( :Y ),
X( :Level1, :Level2 ),
Model( "Nested" ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 )
r=(_vc1 << Report);
r<<Save Presentation("c:/temp/example1.pptx", Template("C:\temp\corporate_template.pptx"), Outline Titles(None), "PNG");
The frustration I am having is that when I create the presentations, the graphics are always aligned on the top center of the slide. What I want is the graphic to be centered in the middle of the slide.
Here is what I get
Here is what I want
Currently I have go through each slide and do this manually. Any suggestions on how to make this happen automatically?