Hi @jthi , Quick question. I am trying to bring the variability chart window in the front or maximize it after clicking on button box "Plot". I tried using bring window to front but it's not working. Can you suggest what other syntax can be use?
Here's my script:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt2 = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
nw = New Window( "New window",
Text Box(
<<Set Font Style( "Bold" ),
<<Set Wrap( 1000 )
Spacer Box( Size( 20, 20 ) ),
H List Box(
Panel Box( "Input JMP file",
Button Box( "Select file",
dt_path = Pick File( "Select JMP File", "", {"JMP Files|jmp"} );
If( !Is Missing( dt_path ),
dt1 = Open( dt_path, invisible )
<<setIcon( "ListItemAdd" )
) // Can I use close window syntax? here
V List Box(
aa = Panel Box( "Variablity chart",
Button Box( " Plot ",
vc = dt2 << Variability Chart(
Y( :height ),
X( :sex ),
Analysis Type( "Choose best analysis (EMS REML Bayesian)" ),
Show Range Bars( 0 ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Points Jittered( 1 )
aa << close window;
vc << Show window( 1 );
<<setIcon( "VariChart" )
Spacer Box( Size( 20, 10 ) ),
Panel Box( "Actions",
H List Box(
align( center ),
Button Box( "OK",
keep_going = 1;
todo_list = my_cb << get selected;,
<<setIcon( "CheckCircle" )
Button Box( "Cancel", keep_going = 0, <<setIcon( "ErrorSmall" ) )
<<Size Window( 340, 430 )