The issue is that in the flow of the script that you are using, you need to explicitly add rows to your data table, using the << Add Rows() message. See the code below for a couple of ways you could do it. Also, the documentation for this is at:
Help==>Scripting Index==>Data Table==>Data Table Rows==>Add Rows
Names default to here(1);
colNames = List();
colNames[1] = "A";
colNames[2] = "B";
colNames[3] = "C";
dt = New Table( "new" );
Current Data Table( dt );
// Add Empty Rows to the Data Table
dt << Add Rows( 4 );
For( col = 1, col <= 3, col++,
dt << New Column( colNames[col] );
For( row = 1, row <= 4, row++,
// Or you could conditionally add rows here
// If( Col == 1, dt << Add Rows( 1 ) );