You can get the combinations of columns with nchoosekmatrix(). If you only want the matrix of numbers (for whatever reason) you can do it pretty quickly.
Names Default to Here( 1 );
dt = new table("Test",
add rows(20),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
New Column("C", <<Set Each Value(random integer(1, 10))),
if(ncols(dt) > 14,
dt << Delete Column(15::ncols(dt));
cols_to_multiply = 2::14;
n = nitems(cols_to_multiply);
nck_mat = nchoosekmatrix(n, 2); // this only picks 2 of each combination
// if you just want a matrix
st = HPTime();
dt_mat = dt[0, cols_to_multiply]; //get the values as a matrix
big_mat = dt_mat[0, nck_mat]; // get the combinations of dt values
m_mat = shape(big_mat, nitems(big_mat)/2); // have to shape this to only 2 columns so you can multiply accross
m_mat = shape(m_mat[0, 1] :* m_mat[0, 2], 20); // multiply together then reshape to n rows
tot_mat = HPTime() - st;
//turning it into a data table
st = HPTIme();
nck_cols = shape(cols_to_multiply[nck_mat], nrows(nck_mat), 2);// to get the column names
for(i=1, i<=ncols(m_mat), i++,
col_name = (Column(dt, nck_cols[i, 1]) << Get Name()) || " * " || (Column(dt, nck_cols[i, 2])<< Get name());
New Column(col_name, <<Set Values(m_mat[0, i]));
tot_dt = HPTIme() - st;
// you can also do it with a formula but it's a little slower
st = HPTIme();
for(i=1, i<=nrows(nck_cols), i++,
col_name = (Column(dt, nck_cols[i, 1]) << Get Name()) || " * " || (Column(dt, nck_cols[i, 2])<< Get name());
New Column(col_name, <<Set Each Value(Column(dt, nck_cols[i, 1])[] * Column(dt, nck_cols[i, 2])[]));
tot_dt_formula = HPTIme() - st;
show(tot_mat, tot_dt, tot_dt_formula);
// tot_mat = 81;
// tot_dt = 37961;
// tot_dt_formula = 44007;