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MakeRowStateHandler function: Exclude and Hide all but selected rows over different data table



I have to handle several Data Table and I would like to use only one filter. Ideally I would like to hide and exclude all the data that are not selected over different data table.

I used a modified version of a JSL code made my, see below on JMP 17.0.0


// 03Nove2014

// Demo of how to link multiple child tables to a parent table using a row state handler

Names Default To Here( 1 );

// Make some tables to use

dt1 = New Table( "Table 1", 
New Column( "ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Values( (1 :: 10)` ) ), 
New Column( "Response", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Normal( 0, 1 ) ) )
dt1 << Set Name ("dt1 Master");

dt2 = New Table( "Table 2", 
New Column( "ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Formula( Random Integer( 1, 5 ) ) ), 
New Column( "Attribute 2", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Integer( 0, 10 ) ) ), 
AddRows( 20 )
dt2 << Set Name("dt2 - slave");

dt3 = New Table( "Table 3", 
New Column( "ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Formula( Random Integer( 1, 11 ) ) ), 
New Column( "Attribute 3", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Integer( 0, 100 ) ) ), 
AddRows( 30 )
dt3 << Set Name("dt3 - slave");
// Utility function:
// Given a data table, a column therein and some value(s) in that column, selects all corresponding rows.
// Need to allow for 'col' to be numeric (character), in which case 'vals' is a matrix (is a list).

selectMatchingRows = 

Function( {dt, col, vals}, 
rows2select = [];
If( Is Matrix( vals ), 
  // 'col' is numeric
For( i = 1, i <= N Row( vals ), i++, 
rows2select = V Concat( rows2select, dt << GetRowsWhere( col == vals[i] ) );
  // 'col' is character
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( vals ), i++, 
rows2select = V Concat( rows2select, dt << GetRowsWhere( col == vals[i] ) );

dt << Select Rows( rows2select ) << Hide << Exclude;
dt << Exclude;
dt << Hide;

// Make a row state handler to be assigned to the 'master' table (dt1). Allow for multiple row selections.

propagateSelectionToOtherTables = 
Function( {x}, 
  // Get the rows that have been selected
selectedRows = dt1 << GetSelectedRows;
If( N Row( selectedRows ) > 0, 
  // Clear any existing selection
dt2 << ClearSelect;
dt3 << ClearSelect;
  // Get the corresponding IDs
IDs = dt1:ID[selectedRows];
  // Select the corresponding rows in dt2
selectMatchingRows( dt2, Expr( :ID ), IDs );
  // Select the corresponding rows in dt3
selectMatchingRows( dt3, Expr( :ID ), IDs );

// Assign the handler to dt1
rsh = dt1 << MakeRowStateHandler( propagateSelectionToOtherTables );


This code exclude the selected data at the very beginning (first selection in the master data table) but not afterward.

Are there any way to improve this code?


In advance thank you.


Antoine Carré


Accepted Solutions
Super User

Re: MakeRowStateHandler function: Exclude and Hide all but selected rows over different data table

Quite a few assumptions made but this might work

Names Default To Here(1);

dt1 = New Table("Table1",
	New Column("ID", Numeric, Ordinal, Values((1 :: 10)`)),
	New Column("Response", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(Random Normal(0, 1)))

dt2 = New Table("Table2",
	New Column("ID", Numeric, Ordinal, Formula(Random Integer(1, 5))),
	New Column("Attribute 2", Numeric, Ordinal, Formula(Random Integer(0, 10))),

dt3 = New Table("Table3",
	New Column("ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Formula(Random Integer(1, 11))),
	New Column("Attribute 3", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(Random Integer(0, 100))),

set_states = function({dt, ids}, {Default Local},
	rows_to_show = dt << Get Rows Where(Contains(sel_ids, :ID));
	rstates = J(N Rows(dt), 1, 6); 
	rstates[rows_to_show] = 0;
	dt << Set Row States(rstates);	

	handler = Function({a},
			sel_rows = Expr(dt1) << Get Selected Rows;
			sel_ids = Expr(dt1)[sel_rows, "ID"];
			set_states(Expr(dt2), sel_ids);
			set_states(Expr(dt3), sel_ids);

rsh = dt1 << Make Row State Handler(handler);

nw = New Window("demo",
	H List Box(
		Panel Box("Table1 (parent table)",
			dt1 << new data box
		V List Box(
			Panel Box("Table 2 (child table)",
				dt2 << new data box
			Panel Box("Table 3 (child table)",
				dt3 << new data box


One thing to note: row states break very easily. Depending on what you are trying to do, you might want to use some other solution than row state handler



View solution in original post

Super User

Re: MakeRowStateHandler function: Exclude and Hide all but selected rows over different data table

I made some modifications to make the code work.  However, it isn't very robust code.

// 03Nove2014

// Demo of how to link multiple child tables to a parent table using a row state handler

Names Default To Here( 1 );

// Make some tables to use

dt1 = New Table( "Table 1",
	New Column( "ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Values( (1 :: 10)` ) ),
	New Column( "Response", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Normal( 0, 1 ) ) )
dt1 << Set Name( "dt1 Master" );

dt2 = New Table( "Table 2",
	New Column( "ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Formula( Random Integer( 1, 5 ) ) ),
	New Column( "Attribute 2", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Integer( 0, 10 ) ) ),
	AddRows( 20 )
dt2 << Set Name( "dt2 - slave" );

dt3 = New Table( "Table 3",
	New Column( "ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Formula( Random Integer( 1, 11 ) ) ),
	New Column( "Attribute 3", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Integer( 0, 100 ) ) ),
	AddRows( 30 )
dt3 << Set Name( "dt3 - slave" );
// Utility function:
// Given a data table, a column therein and some value(s) in that column, selects all corresponding rows.
// Need to allow for 'col' to be numeric (character), in which case 'vals' is a matrix (is a list).

selectMatchingRows = 

Function( {dt, col, vals},
	rows2select = [];
	If( Is Matrix( vals ), 
  // 'col' is numeric
		For( i = 1, i <= N Row( vals ), i++,
			rows2select = V Concat( rows2select, dt << GetRowsWhere( col == vals[i] ) )
  // 'col' is character
		For( i = 1, i <= N Items( vals ), i++,
			rows2select = V Concat( rows2select, dt << GetRowsWhere( col == vals[i] ) )
	//dt << clear rowstates;
	dt << Select Rows( rows2select ) << Hide(1) << Exclude(1);
	dt << invert row selection;
	dt << Hide(0) << Exclude(0);
	dt << invert row selection;
dt << Exclude;
dt << Hide;

// Make a row state handler to be assigned to the 'master' table (dt1). Allow for multiple row selections.

propagateSelectionToOtherTables = Function( {x}, 
  // Get the rows that have been selected
	selectedRows = dt1 << GetSelectedRows;
	If( N Row( selectedRows ) > 0, 
  // Clear any existing selection
		dt2 << ClearSelect;
		dt3 << ClearSelect;
  // Get the corresponding IDs
		IDs = dt1:ID[selectedRows];
  // Select the corresponding rows in dt2
		selectMatchingRows( dt2, Expr( :ID ), IDs );
  // Select the corresponding rows in dt3
		selectMatchingRows( dt3, Expr( :ID ), IDs );
		If( N Row( dt2 << get selected rows ) > 0,
			dt2 << Hide( 0 ) << exclude( 0 );
			dt2 << clear select;
		If( N Row( dt3 << get selected rows ) > 0,
			dt3 << Hide( 0 ) << exclude( 0 );
			dt3 << clear select;
// Assign the handler to dt1
rsh = dt1 << MakeRowStateHandler( propagateSelectionToOtherTables );
Super User

Re: MakeRowStateHandler function: Exclude and Hide all but selected rows over different data table

Quite a few assumptions made but this might work

Names Default To Here(1);

dt1 = New Table("Table1",
	New Column("ID", Numeric, Ordinal, Values((1 :: 10)`)),
	New Column("Response", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(Random Normal(0, 1)))

dt2 = New Table("Table2",
	New Column("ID", Numeric, Ordinal, Formula(Random Integer(1, 5))),
	New Column("Attribute 2", Numeric, Ordinal, Formula(Random Integer(0, 10))),

dt3 = New Table("Table3",
	New Column("ID", Numeric, Conntinuous, Formula(Random Integer(1, 11))),
	New Column("Attribute 3", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(Random Integer(0, 100))),

set_states = function({dt, ids}, {Default Local},
	rows_to_show = dt << Get Rows Where(Contains(sel_ids, :ID));
	rstates = J(N Rows(dt), 1, 6); 
	rstates[rows_to_show] = 0;
	dt << Set Row States(rstates);	

	handler = Function({a},
			sel_rows = Expr(dt1) << Get Selected Rows;
			sel_ids = Expr(dt1)[sel_rows, "ID"];
			set_states(Expr(dt2), sel_ids);
			set_states(Expr(dt3), sel_ids);

rsh = dt1 << Make Row State Handler(handler);

nw = New Window("demo",
	H List Box(
		Panel Box("Table1 (parent table)",
			dt1 << new data box
		V List Box(
			Panel Box("Table 2 (child table)",
				dt2 << new data box
			Panel Box("Table 3 (child table)",
				dt3 << new data box


One thing to note: row states break very easily. Depending on what you are trying to do, you might want to use some other solution than row state handler


Level I

Re: MakeRowStateHandler function: Exclude and Hide all but selected rows over different data table



Super exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot for the reactivity and the quality of the answer.


Best Regards

