// The Today() function returns the number of seconds since Midnight, January
// 1st, 1904 which includes the number of seconds since midnight today up
// until the exact h:m:s the today() function was run.
// I assume you really want the value of the start of today.
dateNow = date mdy(month(Today()),day(today()),year(today())) - In Days( 1 );
startdate = Informat( "2023-06-01", "yyyy-mm-dd" );
// Assuming that you want to increment by 1 day, you need to add a
// days worth of seconds for each loop. JMP dates are stored in
// the number of seconds since Midnight, January 1, 1904.
For( i = startdate, i <= dateNow, i = i + In Days( 1 ),
// When you reference i or datenow or startdate and you don't want
// the number of seconds, but rather the date value, you need to
// use the format() function to convert from the number of seconds
// to the date display form
dt = Open Database(
"DSN=db ;UID=user123;PWD=qwerty;APP=JMP;DATABASE=zxcv;",
"Select * from table1
where date_time between '" || Format( i, "m/d/y" ) || " 00:00:00 AM' and '"
|| Format( i, "m/d/y" ) || " 11:59:59 PM'",