You will need to prepare the data in three columns: Time, number died at a given time, and a censoring column. The censoring column is needed to take into account the 81.1% of the patients who are still alive at the end of the trial.
With a little work, I was able to get your data into this form:
months died censor
0 . 0
12 2660 0
24 1888 0
36 1158 0
48 729 0
60 472 0
72 386 0
84 343 0
96 472 0
96 34797 1
I rounded the product of the proportion alive and total patients to get number died. I think due to rounding error, the total number of died in this data doesn't exactly equal 42906. Also, notice that I added a final row to account for the 34797 censored observations (patients still alive at 96 months).
From here, you can use the Survival platform (Y=months, Censor=censor, and Freq=died) or the Life Distribution platform (same roles). If you use the Life Distribution platform, you will probably want to select the "Show Survival Curve" option from the red triangle menu in the Life Distribution report.
Both the Survival and Life Distribution platforms can be found in the Reliability and Survival submenu of the Analyze menu.
Hope this helps!
Michael Crotty
Principal Statistical Writer
Manager, Statistical Documentation
JMP Development