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(Japanese ) N=400万以上の場合の、2群間の比較解析につきまして
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以前ご教示いただいた、カイ二乗解析をJMPで行う場合、列を450万以上作らないといけなくなるようです。そのため、JMPでのフィッシャーの正確確率検定 もしくは、2標本のコルモゴロフ・スミルノフ検定 をJMPで行いたいと考えております。450万以上の症例でJMPで解析できますでしょうか。
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Re: (Japanese ) N=400万以上の場合の、2群間の比較解析につきまして
Hi @ChenShu07733,
Welcome in the Community !
The first question I have in mind when reading your post is why you would like to use all data, instead of selecting a representative subset ?
Processing millions of rows is quite hard/complex for any computer and software, and I'm not sure about the added value so many rows can bring. Selecting a representative subset can make the analysis easier, quicker, and with the same outcome, and you can possibly use some of the remaining/non-selected rows as validation for your analysis. On another hand, depending on your objectives, using so many rows can highly "bias" the outcomes of a statistical test : due to the very high sample size, the confidence intervals might be extremely small, so the tests might result in statistically significant outcomes almost always (depending on the effect size/difference to detect and the p-value/statistical significance threshold set).
I would recommend giving extra time to think about your objectives, the required sample size needed for your analysis (depending on the risk/alpha/Type I error level, and the difference/effect size you want to detect) using Power Explorers for Hypothesis Tests.
Concerning the age, I don't think this is a problem : when selecting a sample of the population data, make sure to have the same repartition/proportion of individuals by age blocks between your subset/sample and the population.
Some readings about statistical testing and sample size :
Type I and Type II Errors and Statistical Power - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Statistical analysis: sample size and power estimations | BJA Education | Oxford Academic
Hope this answer may help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)
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Re: (Japanese ) N=400万以上の場合の、2群間の比較解析につきまして
分析>二変量の関係(Fit Y by X)でY、X、度数に列を指定します。
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