Hi All,
I have been recently updated on my work computer from JMP15 to JMP16. I had created a automated script that would save a graph builder run chart as an interactive html file. I was able to smooth out any all but one issues from the JMP15 to JMP16 upgrade. The filters for the graph builder is disabled and greyed out in the html view. I've posted below the portion of the script that creates the graph and then saves it as an interactive html file. Running this exact portion of the script in JMP15 works perfectly fine, the html files have interactive filters - but JMP16 doesn't seem to work in the same way when saving the html file.
gb = dtcurrent << Graph Builder(
Size( 875, 652 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Show Legend( 0 ),
Variables( X( :DateCompleted ), Y( testCOL ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 3 ) ) ),
Local Data Filter(
Width( 160 ),
Auto clear( 1 ),
Add Filter(
columns( :Date, :Product, :Type, :TestStatus, :ExcludeFromStats, :RFT, :FailCode, :TrackingNumber, :SerialNumber ),
Display( :Date, Size( 148, 20 ), Height( 50 ) ),
Display( :Product, "Check Box Display" ),
Display( :Type, "Check Box Display" ),
Display( :TestStatus, "Check Box Display" ),
Display( :ExcludeFromStats, Size( 158, 48 ), Height( 16 ) ),
Display( :RFT, "Check Box Display" ),
Display( :FailCode, "Check Box Display" ),
Display( :TrackingNumber, "Single Category Display", Find( Set Text( "" ) ) ),
Display( :SerialNumber, "Single Category Display", Find( Set Text( "" ) ) )
{Min( xmin ), Max( xmax ), Interval( "Week" ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ), Label Row( Label Orientation( "Angled" ) )}
Dispatch( {}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( varTitle )} ),
{Min( ymin ), Max( ymax ), Inc( Round( (YMax - YMin) / 10, 5 ) ), Minor Ticks( 0 ), Add Ref Line(
{ymin, lcl},
), Add Ref Line( lcl, "Solid", "Dark Red", "LCL", 3 ), Add Ref Line( lsl, "Solid", "Dark Blue", "LSL", 3 ),
Add Ref Line( {NzoneA, NzoneB}, "Solid", "Light Orange", "", 1, 0.25 ), Add Ref Line(
{NzoneB, NzoneC},
"Light Yellow",
), Add Ref Line( {NzoneC, avg}, "Solid", "Light Green", "", 1, 0.25 ), Add Ref Line( avg, "Dashed", "Dark Green", "AVG", 3 ),
Add Ref Line( {avg, zoneC}, "Solid", "Light Green", "", 1, 0.25 ), Add Ref Line(
{zoneC, zoneB},
"Light Yellow",
), Add Ref Line( {zoneB, zoneA}, "Solid", "Light Orange", "", 1, 0.25 ), Add Ref Line( usl, "Solid", "Dark Blue", "USL", 3 ),
Add Ref Line( ucl, "Solid", "Dark Red", "UCL", 3 ), Add Ref Line( {ucl, ymax}, "Solid", "Red", "", 1, 0.25 )}
gb << Set Window Title( Test || Name );
//Save Graph Dashboard as html file
html = Window( Test || Name );
Wait( 0.1 );
html << Save Interactive HTML( filepathR || Test || Name || ".html" );