In manual plotting, I usually plot a multiple bi-variate plot and use the option "save script for all objects" and copy the contents of generated script as a new script within the datatable and save the datatable. This way, next time i can run the script to generate the plot.
Now, in JSL i have copied the script generated by "save script for all objects" but don't know how to pass commands to save this as a script in the datatable on which the main JSl script is operating!
Finally , i just want the plot to be saved as a script within the datatable by using JSL as i'm already generating the datatble in JSL
code generated by "save script for all objects"
New Window( "Plot - Fit Y by X of Id_%deg, IDF(uA) by time 2",
H List Box(
Y( :Id_%deg ),
X( :time ),
{Scale( "Log" ), Format( "Scientific", 12 ),
Min( 0.73058544209732 ), Max( 20000 ), Inc( 1 ),
Minor Ticks( 8 ), Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ),
Rotated Labels( "Horizontal" )}
{Scale( "Log" ), Format( "Best", 12 ), Min( 0.0142496799685873 ),
Max( 46.3114598979087 ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 8 ),
Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ),
Rotated Labels( "Horizontal" )}
Dispatch( {}, "Bivar Plot", FrameBox, {Frame Size( 348, 274 )} )
Y( :Name( "IDF(uA)" ) ),
X( :time ),
{Scale( "Log" ), Format( "Scientific", 12 ),
Min( 6.53505316748169 ), Max( 20000 ), Inc( 1 ),
Minor Ticks( 8 ), Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ),
Rotated Labels( "Horizontal" )}
"Bivar Plot",
{Frame Size( 348, 274 ),
Row Legend(
Color( 1 ),
Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),
Marker( 0 ),
Marker Theme( "" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )
), Row Legend(
Color( 0 ),
Color Theme( "" ),
Marker( 1 ),
Marker Theme( "Standard" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )
Now, in JSL i have copied the script generated by "save script for all objects" but don't know how to pass commands to save this as a script in the datatable on which the main JSl script is operating!
Finally , i just want the plot to be saved as a script within the datatable by using JSL.