Hi @Leonard ,
There's a few different ways to do that, but here's some JSL I wrote a while back that fixes that. I think JMP 16 is supposed to have a setting within the import wizard that allows overriding commas.
Names Default to Here(1);
//This replaces all commas by decimals
dt = Current Data Table();
Col_Names = dt << Get Column Names( Nominal, String );
Nr = N Rows( dt );
For( l = 1, l <= N Items( Col_Names ), l++,
One_col = Column( dt, Col_Names[l] );
For( k = 1, k <= Nr, k++,
One_col[k] = Substitute( One_Col[k], ",", "." )
//This part turns the "nominal" columns back to "numeric"
For( l = 1, l <= N Items( Col_Names ), l++,
Column( dt, Col_Names[l] ) << Data Type( Numeric ) << Modeling Type( Continuous ) << Format( Best, 12 )
You can try going File > Preferences > Windows Specific and check the box at the top: Use JMP.... But, I actually haven't gotten much luck with that actually overriding the comma.
But, the JSL code should help.
Hope this helps!,