Combining @Byron_JMP's Web Browser Box idea with your regex string you could save a formatted html file with embedded links and display that in your window. Suddenly you have a lot of control over the text formatting; you could even let users optionally add a friendly name to links syntax like [JMP Website], similar to some markup syntax.

Names Default To Here( 1 );
text = "Periarthritis is defined as: Inflammation of the tissues around a joint. " ||
"[A Link] As arthralgia, myalgia, tendonitis " ||
"and other musculoskeletal issues are listed events, periarthritis can be considered listed as well.
Comment: no good sentinel case — not a new signal; one case also reported somnolence and " ||
"another case reported “yawny” which could mean sleepy *";
t = text;
//wrap links in a string with <a href> tags
findlinks = function({t, recct=0}, {url_regex, rgxmatch = {}, rtn=""},
if(recct > 100,
throw("Recursion to deep: " || char(recct) || " levels. Still need to parse: '" || t || "'"));
url_regex = "^(.*?)(\!\[(.+)\])?((https?://){0,}(\w+\.){2,}\w+/?(\w+/?){0,}(\.\w+){0,1}/?)(\b.*)$";
rgxmatch = Regex Match(t, url_regex);
if( N Items(rgxmatch) == 0,
rtn = t, //No link
if( N Items(rgxmatch) == 10, //found a link
rtn = rgxmatch[2] ||
"<a href='" || rgxmatch[5] || "'>" || if(is missing(rgxmatch[4]), rgxmatch[5], rgxmatch[4] ) || "</a>" ||
findlinks(rgxmatch[10], recct),
throw("Error matching regex in: '" || t || "'")
//Create a simple html page from a block of text, save it to the temp files, and return the filename
texttohtmlfile = function({t},
Save text file("$TEMP/Temp HTML file.html", "<html><body>" || findlinks(t) || "</body></html>")
//Make a temp html file
fn = texttohtmlfile(text);
//Simple window to display html file, deletes the temp file when it closes
w = New Window("Example",wb = Web Browser Box());
w << On Close( Delete File( fn ) );
wb << Set Size(1000, 200);
wb << Set Auto Stretching( 1, 1 );
wb << Set Max Size( 1000, 1000 );
//Show the html file in the window
wb << Navigate( fn );
Note the unfortunate slash bang in the regex match expression as "\[" begins an 'escaped character' section.
Edited to add screenshot and again to fix a typo.