Hi @lala,
I'm not completely sure to have understood your objective and needs (get a smoother curve than the original, probably noisy, curve data ?), but as @jthi mentioned, you have a lot of options in Functional Data Explorer to fit a curve and extract the fitted "smooth" model. I'm thinking B-/P-Splines and Fourier Basis models could work well on your use case, and there are pre-processing options that could help smoothen your curve data even further if needed : Savitzky-Golay filtering and extraction of derivatives, baseline correction, Standard Normal Variate method, Multiplicative Scatter Correction, etc...
Alternatively, you could also use the platform Fit Curve, that enable to fit a large amount of curve models.
You could also create a formula to specify your model equation, and use the platform Nonlinear Regression to estimate the different parameters of your model.
Hope this answer will help you in the meantime,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)