I have the data for 2 years (2011 to 2013) with a date column in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, I want to split the data into monthly parts i.e 2011 Jan - Feb.... to 2013 Nov and also plot histogram calculate the total no case reported each month for period of 2 yeaer.
Please let me know how can I split the data and the plot a line graph to compare the performance. I m very new to JMP. Kinldy assist
BNZ123-2424 30/9/2011 1:34:00 PM
BNZ123-2425 31/9/2011 1:34:00 PM
HI nyeesg,
Regards to split the data monthly, the below article might be helpful.
Please check..
Thank You
Here's how to do it in JMP:
This code creates the table you listed:
dt = New Table( "My Cases", Add Rows( 2 ),
New Column( "Case ID", Character, Nominal,
Set Values( {"BNZ123-2424", "BNZ123-2425"} )
New Column( "Date", Character, Nominal,
Set Values( {"30/9/2011 1:34:00 PM", "31/9/2011 1:34:00 PM"} )
The next block of code creates a new column called Monthly Date, which uses a formula based on the Date column. You can use Monthly Date on the X axis in graph builder.
dt << New Column( "Monthly Date", Numeric, Nominal, Format( "m/y", 12 ),
Input Format( "m/y" ),
date_list = Words( :Date, "/ " );
Informat( date_list[2] || "/" || date_list[3], "m/y" );
This block of code creates a new column called Monthly Date, which uses a formula based on the Date column. You can use Monthly Date on the X axis in graph builder.
New Column( "Case ID", Character, Nominal,
Set Values( {"BNZ123-2424", "BNZ123-2425"} )
My dataset contains abt 10000 caseids.. how to do set the caseid and date explicitly .
New Column( "Date", Character, Nominal,
Set Values( {"30/9/2011 1:34:00 PM", "31/9/2011 1:34:00 PM"} )
Ignore that part of the code - that just creates a little table to play with. The part you want to run is the second part:
dt = current data table();
// This adds the new formula column
dt << New Column("Monthly Date", Numeric, Nominal, Format("m/y",12 ),
Input Format( "m/y" ),
date_list = Words( :Date, "/ " );
Informat( date_list[2] || "/" || date_list[3], "m/y" );