I wanna make a list using combo box, showing ".csv" only.
How to setup the list?
In my code,
All files are listed up on selected directory.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Load file = New Window( "New Window",
<<on close(
H List Box(
Text Box( "Choose directory" ),
Spacer Box( size( 10, 10 ) ),
BB1 = Button Box( "Load file",
address1 = Pick Directory();
If( address1 == "",
file1 << set text( "" ), //else if
If( address1 != "",
file1 << set text( address1 )
Panel Box( "",
V List Box( Text Box( "Directory path :" ), Spacer Box( size( 300, 10 ) ), file1 = Text Box( "" ) )
path = address1;
address1 = Files In Directory( address1 );
nw = New Window( "Pick CSV Files",
Panel Box( "List",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ),
Text Box( "1st:" ),
cb1 = Combo Box( address1 ),
Button Box( "OK" );