so I'm using dt1 to run t-test analysis (Mean by Chamber by ChartID) then creating a combined data table, dt2, of all the pvalues. I want to filter this down to rows where p<=0.05, then create a distinct, unique list of these low pValues and use that to replot my chart with just the low PValues.
I'm a bit stuck now trying to link back to the original dt1. The final select where doesn't seem to be working.
also to note, if there's a better way to select, exclude, join back to source dt, please let me know. I tried summary, associative array.
//creating the table of pValues
dt2 = Report( ow[1] )["Means Comparisons", "Comparisons for all pairs using Tukey-Kramer HSD","Ordered Differences Report"][Table Box( 1 )] << Make Combined Data Table;
dt2 << set name( "pValue PairWise by Channel Tukey")
//select and exclude high pVals
dt2 << select where("p-Value"n > 0.05);
dt2 << exclude;
//get list of remaining Unique Chart_ID's
//trying to select on the original source data
dt1 << select where( contains( uniqueVals, :CHART_ID));
//then need to invert and exclude