Hi @Botzal ,
I'm not sure what you are trying to do with both cmd & jmp file running at the same time.
I able to run my script during user log out/in at specific time will below flow;
-> Task scheduler run my JSL script run at specific time
-> the .jmp script open a cmd file (for IT to do some copy/paste JMP Results from local PC to intranet server)
//call IT cmd to copy the files to intranet server
RP = run program(
Executable ("C:\ScriptJMPAutomation\MoveJMPFile.exe")
//set no save for auto taskscheduler
-> .cmd file close after running its script & .jmp file exit with no save.
The task scheduler .jmp will still show running unlimited time if I click it to manual run through Task Scheduler.
So I forced it to stop after 1 hour through the task scheduler setting.

Can check back the results after the "1 hour" done. It will show as "ready".
My report ready to view the next morning even though the PC is log-off during the script running.
I'm not sure if this is helpful but just to share how I did it.
Maybe you can also read below link for details.