You could use RunProgram, something like this (lots of setup for a complete example)
Delete Directory( "$temp/aaa" ); // make sure source is empty
Create Directory( "$temp/aaa" );
Save Text File( "$temp/aaa/a1.txt", "a" );
Save Text File( "$temp/aaa/a2.txt", "aa" );
Save Text File( "$temp/aaa/a3.bad", "no suffix" );
Delete Directory( "$temp/bbb" ); // make sure dest is empty
Create Directory( "$temp/bbb" );
aaa = Convert File Path( "$temp/aaa", "windows" ); // "C:\Users\v1\AppData\Local\Temp\aaa"
bbb = Convert File Path( "$temp/bbb", "windows" ); // "C:\Users\v1\AppData\Local\Temp\bbb"
aaawild = aaa || "\a*.txt"; // wild card *
result = Run Program( Executable( "CMD.EXE" ),
Options( {"/a", "/q", "/c move ", aaawild, bbb} ), ReadFunction( "text" ) );
Write( result );
Show( Files In Directory( aaa ) );
Show( Files In Directory( bbb ) );
2 file(s) moved.
Files In Directory(aaa) = {"a3.bad"};
Files In Directory(bbb) = {"a1.txt", "a2.txt"};
/a and /q are options for CMD.EXE, and /c passes the move command to CMD.EXE.