There is a list named "ColumnsList
" with columns name from my Datatable for which i would like to make Variability plot for all columns present in the list.
Following Script creates box plots for all columns as required in the single page,
theExpr = "Variability Chart( Y( :\!"" || ColumnsList[1] || "\!"";
For( p = 2, p <= N Items( ColumnsList ), p++,
theExpr = theExpr || ", :\!"" || ColumnsList[p] || " \!"");
theExpr = theExpr || "), X(:WaferID, :DateCode, :Die),Std Dev Chart( 0 ),Show Grand Mean( 1 )";
Eval( Parse( theExpr ) );
However, for me it is bit challenging to include a code snippet to include the "Show Major Grid" for X-Axis in the above script.
Could anyone help me, how to include code snippet to show the Major Grid Line in the above code.
Thank you.