Hi, I am developing a cell culture medium based on 4 prototypes. These 4 prototypes are basically contain same components but at different level, Prototype 1 is lean, prototype 2 is rich in amino acid, prototype 3 is rich in vitamin and prototype 4 is rich in trace element. I will mixture different level of the 4 prototypes to have a new mixture media.
I understand this is a mixture of mixtures design. There is an example of mixture-of-mixtures design from JMP. However, in that design the mixtures are different component, such in the cake factory experiment, mixture 1 is dry including cocoa, sugar and flour, and mixture 2 is wet including butter, milk and egg.
In my case, the mixtures all contain same component, but at different level.
I am wondering how may I design this experiment ? Can the 4 mixtures be treated as 4 separate factors? What mixture design should I apply and Should I consider 2-way or 3-way interaction of the 4 factors. Is Sheffe cubic model is appropriate to be applied for analysis?
Thanks, any suggestion will be appreciated.