/*""" Attempt to get y-value from Graph Builder LineSeg
Author: jthi
Creation Date: 2024-07-30
Creation JMP Version: JMP Pro 18.0.0
Original post which gave me this idea (LinesSeg)
Names Default To Here(1);
// https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMPer-Cable/Understanding-cubic-splines/ba-p/39511 can be interesting read
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor Capability.jmp");
slider_x = 200;
nw = New Window("Test",
V List Box(align("center"),
V List Box(
Text Box("Adjust to change X"),
Slider Box(110, 530, slider_x, nw << update window, << Set Width(1000));
Text Box("Change graph builder smoother settings to see changes to see different fits"),
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Size(1000, 600),
Show Control Panel(1),
Fit To Window("On"),
Variables(X(:PNP1), Y(:NPN1)),
Elements(Smoother(X, Y, Legend(4)))
fb = Report(gb)[FrameBox(1)];
ls = fb << Find Seg(LineSeg(1));
m_x = ls << Get X Values;
m_y = ls << Get Y Values;
smooth = ls << Get Smoothness;
idx = Loc Sorted(m_x, Matrix(xval))[1];
// {Estimates, Std_Error, Diagnostics} = Linear Regression(m_y[idx::idx+1], m_x[idx::idx+1]);
// yval = Estimates[2] * xval + Estimates[1];
idx = Loc Sorted(m_x, Matrix(xval))[1];
yval = Interpolate(xval, m_x, m_y);
Report(gb)[AxisBox(1)] << Add Ref Line(xval);
Report(gb)[AxisBox(2)] << Add Ref Line(yval);
m_x[2::N Rows(m_x)::2] - m_x[1::N Rows(m_x) - 1::2]
m_y[2::N Rows(m_y)::2] - m_y[1::N Rows(m_y) - 1::2]
sl = Spline Smooth(m_x, m_y, smooth);
Report(gb)[FrameBox(1)] << Add Graphics Script(
ls = fb << Find Seg(LineSeg(1));
m_x = ls << Get X Values;
m_y = ls << Get Y Values;
Marker(Marker State(3), m_x, m_y);
Pen Size(1);
Line(m_x, m_y);
yval = Interpolate(slider_x, m_x, m_y);
Marker Size(5);
Marker(Marker State(12), {slider_x, yval});
V Line(slider_x);
H Line(yval);
Text(Right Justified, Eval List({slider_x, yval + 1}), Eval Insert("(^Round(slider_x, 3)^, ^Round(yval, 3)^)"));
peaks = m_y[1::N Rows(m_y) - 2] < m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] & m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] > m_y[3::N Rows(m_y)] |
m_y[1::N Rows(m_y) - 2] > m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] & m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] < m_y[3::N Rows(m_y)];
peak_idx = Loc(peaks) + 1;
Marker Size(3);
Fill Color("Red");
Marker(Combine States(Color State("Red"), Marker State(15)), m_x[peak_idx], m_y[peak_idx]);
/*""" Attempt to get y-value from Graph Builder LineSeg
Author: jthi
Creation Date: 2024-07-30
Creation JMP Version: JMP Pro 18.0.0
Original post which gave me this idea (LinesSeg)
Names Default To Here(1);
// https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMPer-Cable/Understanding-cubic-splines/ba-p/39511 can be interesting read
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor Capability.jmp");
slider_x = 200;
nw = New Window("Test",
V List Box(align("center"),
V List Box(
Text Box("Adjust to change X"),
Slider Box(110, 530, slider_x, nw << update window, << Set Width(1000));
Text Box("Change graph builder smoother settings to see changes to see different fits"),
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Size(1000, 600),
Show Control Panel(1),
Fit To Window("On"),
Variables(X(:PNP1), Y(:NPN1)),
Elements(Smoother(X, Y, Legend(4)))
fb = Report(gb)[FrameBox(1)];
ls = fb << Find Seg(LineSeg(1));
m_x = ls << Get X Values;
m_y = ls << Get Y Values;
smooth = ls << Get Smoothness;
idx = Loc Sorted(m_x, Matrix(xval))[1];
// {Estimates, Std_Error, Diagnostics} = Linear Regression(m_y[idx::idx+1], m_x[idx::idx+1]);
// yval = Estimates[2] * xval + Estimates[1];
idx = Loc Sorted(m_x, Matrix(xval))[1];
yval = Interpolate(xval, m_x, m_y);
Report(gb)[AxisBox(1)] << Add Ref Line(xval);
Report(gb)[AxisBox(2)] << Add Ref Line(yval);
m_x[2::N Rows(m_x)::2] - m_x[1::N Rows(m_x) - 1::2]
m_y[2::N Rows(m_y)::2] - m_y[1::N Rows(m_y) - 1::2]
sl = Spline Smooth(m_x, m_y, smooth);
Report(gb)[FrameBox(1)] << Add Graphics Script(
ls = fb << Find Seg(LineSeg(1));
m_x = ls << Get X Values;
m_y = ls << Get Y Values;
Marker(Marker State(3), m_x, m_y);
Pen Size(1);
Line(m_x, m_y);
yval = Interpolate(slider_x, m_x, m_y);
Marker Size(5);
Marker(Marker State(12), {slider_x, yval});
V Line(slider_x);
H Line(yval);
Text(Right Justified, Eval List({slider_x, yval + 1}), Eval Insert("(^Round(slider_x, 3)^, ^Round(yval, 3)^)"));
peaks = m_y[1::N Rows(m_y) - 2] < m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] & m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] > m_y[3::N Rows(m_y)] |
m_y[1::N Rows(m_y) - 2] > m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] & m_y[2::N Rows(m_y) - 1] < m_y[3::N Rows(m_y)];
peak_idx = Loc(peaks) + 1;
Marker Size(3);
Fill Color("Red");
Marker(Combine States(Color State("Red"), Marker State(15)), m_x[peak_idx], m_y[peak_idx]);