I was trying to add a table with string col edit boxes based on the users selection. I managed to create the table box but I can't figure out how to extract the values from the String Col Edit Boxes and then once extracted, converted to an SQL String ex.( 'teb', 'Wafer1', 'Wafer2', 'Wafer3' )
Thanks in advance
nw = New Window( "test",
vlb = V List Box(
Text Box( "Product Engineering", <<Set Font Size( 30 ), <<Set Width( 700 ), <<Set Wrap( 700 ), <<Justify Text( "Center" ) ),
Panel Box( "Text and Number Boxes",
lb = Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ),
Text Box( "# Wafers to Compare?" ),
num = Number Edit Box( 99 ),
load = Button Box( "Enter",
numwfr = num << Get;
Show( numwfr );
vlb << Append(
hlb1 = H List Box(
vlb7 = V List Box(
Border Box( Sides( 15 ),
ob = Outline Box( "5-Step Validation Wafer Select",
Text Box( "Tested Wafer" ),
teb = Text Edit Box( "", <<Justify Text( Center ), <<Set Width( 100 ) ),
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 5 ) ),
wafer = {};
For( i = 1, i <= numwfr, i++,
Insert Into( wafer, "Wafer" || Char( i ) )
ob << Append(
V List Box(
tbl = Table Box( seb = String Col Edit Box( "Comparison", wafer ) ),
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 5 ) ),
Button Box( "Create SQL String" ) // once you type in the wafer/lot number this needs to create the SQL String