I have a large geochemical dataset that I am attempting to plot in JMP13. I use JMP for most of my geochemical plots but I have yet to figure out how to do so-called "spiderdiagrams." Following the advice of another post I found, I transposed my data table and was able to plot things that looked like spiderdiagrams using the graph overlay tool. This allowed me to plot the data and would work fine as a solution if I had a small dataset. Using this method, everything is grouped by element rather than sample ID so when I click on one point I select all of the points of that element group (i.e. if I click on one Au datapoint, all of the Au datapoints are selected rather than the points that correspond to one sample). Ideally, I would like to be able to select all of the datapoints for a given sample (i.e. Pt-Pd-Rh-Ru-Au points) so that I can begin to divide all of the samples into subgroups.
Please, does anyone have any suggestions for how I can group the connected points so I can begin to sort them into lines of similar slope and appearance.
Thank you!