Hello, will this do? and in this code what I am looking is how to write date function in where statement for date1 so I can see only 2022 data and not the older ones
please let me know if that makes any sense
New SQL Query(
Version( 130 ),
Connection( "ODBC:DSN=\!"\!";Description=\!"\!";UID=\!"\!";PWD=\!"\!";APP=JMP;DATABASE=\!"\!";" ),
QueryName( "13Jun2022" ),
Column( "class", "t2" ),
Column( "ID", "t2", Alias( "Attribute" ) ),
Column( "no", "t5", Alias( "Number" ) ),
Column( "text", "t2" ),
Column( "value", "t2" ),
Column( "units", "t2" ),
Column( "Date1", "t5", Numeric Format( "ddMonyyyy", "-1", "NO", "" ), Field Width( 23 ) ),
Column( "condition", "t2", Alias( "Condition" ) ),
Column( "label", "t2" ),
Column( "typeid", "t2" ),
Column( "list", "t2" ),
Column( "date2", "t2", Numeric Format( "ddMonyyyy", "-1", "NO", "" ), Field Width( 23 ) ),
Column( "id", "t4" ),
Column( "date3", "t5", Numeric Format( "ddMonyyyy", "-1", "NO", "" ), Field Width( 23 ) ),
Column( "date4", "t2", Numeric Format( "ddMonyyyy", "-1", "NO", "" ), Field Width( 23 ) ),
Column( "testing", "t2", Numeric Format( "ddMonyyyy", "-1", "NO", "" ), Field Width( 23 ) )
Table( "1", Schema( "DB" ), Alias( "t2" ) ),
Table( "id", Schema( "DB" ), Alias( "t4" ), Join( Type( Left Outer ), EQ( Column( "id", "t2" ), Column( "id", "t4" ) ) ) ),
Schema( "DB" ),
Alias( "t5" ),
Join( Type( Left Outer ), EQ( Column( "batch", "t2" ), Column( "batch", "t5" ) ) )
In List(
Column( "id", "t4" ),
{"12340", "12345A", "12345S", "12345A"},
UI( SelectListFilter( ListBox, Base( "Categorical" ) ) )
) & In List( Column( "class", "t2" ), {"Q", "M"}, UI( SelectListFilter( ListBox, Base( "Categorical" ) ) ) ) &
In List( Column( "batch", "t5" ), {"A", "I", "P", "R"}, UI( SelectListFilter( ListBox, Base( "Categorical" ) ) ) )
Order By(
Column( "no", "t5", Order( "Ascending" ) ),
Column( "id", "t2", Order( "Ascending" ) ),
Column( "label", "t2", Order( "Ascending" ) )
) << Modify;