I have a question regarding Variability Chart using JSL script. I have a variability chart using SendToGroupBy. In this JSL script I take a screenshot of each chart created from SendToGroupBy. But I want to append the png file with the property name that it is grouped by. In the example below, I want to append the FileName png file name with Example1. How can I get that access property value? Any help would be appreciated.
Posting the reply I got from JMP support here for visibility. Works for JMP 17.0.0
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dists = dt << Distribution(
By( :Sex ),
{:sex == "F"},
Continuous Distribution( Column( :weight ), Normal Quantile Plot( 1 ) )
SendToByGroup( {:sex == "M"}, Continuous Distribution( Column( :weight ) ) )
For Each( {dist}, dists, expr = dist << get script;
Print( Arg( Extract Expr( expr, Where( Wild() ) ) ) )
dist << Get Where Expr works for JMP 18
<< Get Where Expr might work
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp");
dists = dt << Distribution(
{:sex == "F"},
Continuous Distribution(Column(:weight), Normal Quantile Plot(1))
SendToByGroup({:sex == "M"}, Continuous Distribution(Column(:weight)))
For Each({dist}, dists,
show(dist << Get Where Expr);
Hi Jarmo,
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, when I try the sample script returns dist << Get Where Expr
Distribution[]. Am I missing something? Should there be some expression to access the dist obj?
Which JMP version are you using? I think that might be a new thing in JMP18.
I am using JMP 17.0.0
Posting the reply I got from JMP support here for visibility. Works for JMP 17.0.0
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dists = dt << Distribution(
By( :Sex ),
{:sex == "F"},
Continuous Distribution( Column( :weight ), Normal Quantile Plot( 1 ) )
SendToByGroup( {:sex == "M"}, Continuous Distribution( Column( :weight ) ) )
For Each( {dist}, dists, expr = dist << get script;
Print( Arg( Extract Expr( expr, Where( Wild() ) ) ) )
dist << Get Where Expr works for JMP 18
That is what I would have suggested for earlier versions of JMP also. And I I did that even in JMP18 until I did figure out that JMP18 has few useful messages regarding using by and where in platforms (at least << Get Where Expr and << Get By Levels)