Your script does not completely flesh out the required JSL to allow for the table scripts to work. The reference of myTests needs to be parsed into the exact column name in order for the table script to be able to run properly. The JSL below forces the expansion of the code before saving it to the data table. I also added a Local Filter and I also changed the code to make the script name the column name
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Clear Log();
Clear Globals();
dt =
// Open Data Table: Blood
// → Data Table( "Blood Pressure" )
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Blood" );
myTests = dt << get column names( string, numeric );
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( myTests ), i++,
Eval Expr(
dt << Add Properties to Table(
{New Script(
Stack( 1 ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( Expr( myTests[i] ) ) ),
Horizontal Layout( 1 ),
Vertical( 0 ),
Outlier Box Plot( 0 ),
Process Capability( Use Column Property Specs ),
Local Data Filter( Add Filter( columns( Expr( myTests[i] )) ) )