Good question(s). As you know, determination of expiration is about extrapolation...not interpolation. For the purposes of interpolation, such a fit may be appropriate. However, extrapolating with such a model is ill-advised. Perhaps, starting around Time Point = 7, it doesn't drop any more. So, all degradation occurs prior to 7 months. So a piecewise model may be appropriate; one straight line going down until Time = 7 or so, then another straight line (looks fairly horizontal) starting at Time=7. If you can then argue, scientifically, that this is the expected behavior (ie, all the degradation occurs by Time = 7), then you still have a linear model. In the "Fit model" platform, you will have two Model Effects: Time, and T7=max(0, Time-7) (create another variable in your data table called T7). Now, it does get more complicated since it appears (as indicated by the three different plotting symbols) you have three batches. If so, Batch will have to be one of the effects as well. And then the interaction of Batch with Time and Batch with T7. Looking at the plot, I suspect the interaction terms are unnecessary (but ICH Q1E requires that assessment). And, no...though the model is still linear (in the statistical sense) you won't be able to use JMP's degradation platform since that platform limits you to a subset of linear models. You will have to use Fit Model platform .For interpretation of such a model (I'll simplify and assume you have no interactions, so you have Batch, Time, and T2 in the model). the model is then B0 + Batch + B1*Time + B2*max(0, T-7). In the parameter estimates results, the Term for Time is the initial slope (B1), and the Term for Time + The Term for T7 (B2) is the slope after Time=7. i.e., first slope=B1, second slope = B1+B2. And, FWIW, I've used Time = 7 here as the "knot". The optimum knot may not be exactly 7...but it looks like it is close-ish to 7. If you wanted a model that also estimated the knot, that is a non-linear model that is beyond the scope of what can be easily discussed in such a forum. However, you may try a few different knots and choose the one that minimizes the Root Mean Squared Error in the Summary of Fit section of the fit model output.