I have made such an interface which relies on a stored procedure to return the data once the user choices are known. The connection string was obtained by connecting to a table on the same server as the stored procedure and then copying it from the table source script.
I then made use of the ability to execute SQL code from JMP. The example below is for a server running Microsoft T-SQL. All my inputs to the stored procedure are text hence the use of '' around each string. This a bit brute force as you are using JSL to write SQL strings but it works well.
//get user inputs as strings
...interface code here...
//create connection
dbc = Create Database Connection(
"ODBC:Description=##### toolset;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=#####;UID=######;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=JMP;WSID=####;DATABASE=#####;"
//get result
Eval Insert(
SQLString = "DECLARE @rc int
EXECUTE @rc = [dbo].[GetResultsStandardised]
@DataSource = '^dataSource^'
,@Site = '^Site^'
,@FromDate = '^fromDateString^'
,@ToDate = '^toDateString^'
,@Level1 = '^level1string^'
,@Level2 = '^level2string^'
,@Level3 = '^level3string^'
dtresult = Execute SQL( dbc, SQLString, "Result Table" );
Close Database Connection( dbc );