Hello @johanna_younous , "not always" means, there are solutions from JMP that fulfill your requirements. So why not let JMP try until design is balanced.
See loop in script below. It's better than manually changing factors. Trying this a few hundred times, I found that the design was balanced in more than half of tries. So the loop below should have always a solution for you.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt_sum = New Table( "DOE designs",
New Column( "Balanced", "Character", formula( If( :L1 == L2 == L3, "y", "n" ) ) ),
New Column( "L1", "Continuous" ),
New Column( "L2", "Continuous" ),
New Column( "L3", "Continuous" )
done = 0;
For( i = 1, (i <= 100) & !done, i++,
doe_obj = DOE(
Custom Design,
{Add Response( Maximize, "Y", ., ., . ), Add Factor( Categorical, {"L1", "L2", "L3"}, "X1", 0 ), Add Factor(
{"V1_0", "V1_1", "V1_2", "V1_3", "V1_4", "V1_5", "V1_6", "V1_7", "V1_8", "V1_9", "V1_10", "V1_11", "V1_12", "V1_13", "V1_14", "V1_15",
"V1_16", "V1_17", "V1_18", "V1_19", "V1_20", "V1_21", "V1_22", "V1_23", "V1_24", "V1_25", "V1_26", "V1_27", "V1_28", "V1_29", "V1_30"},
), Number of Starts( 1 ), Add Term( {1, 0} ), Add Term( {1, 1} ), Add Term( {2, 1} ), Add Alias Term( {1, 1}, {2, 1} ),
Set Sample Size( 132 ), Simulate Responses( 0 ), Save X Matrix( 0 ), Make Design}
doe_dt = doe_obj << make table();
doe_obj << close window();
Summarize( doe_dt, by_grp = by( :X1 ), by_cnt = Count() );
dt_sum << add row( 1 );
dt_sum:L1[N Rows( dt_sum )] = by_cnt[1];
dt_sum:L2[N Rows( dt_sum )] = by_cnt[2];
dt_sum:L3[N Rows( dt_sum )] = by_cnt[3];
// finish, when design is balanced, otherwise continue with new try
If( by_cnt[1] == by_cnt[2] == by_cnt[3],
done = 1,
Close( doe_dt, NoSave )
dt_sum << Distribution( Nominal Distribution( Column( :Balanced ) ) );