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Conditional Count Across Columns

Level IV

I have a table with quite a few columns (>100). I am trying to create a column that counts the number of columns in a row that are greater than 1. How would I write a formula to do that? Below is a small picture of an example table.


It would be preferable if this was just a formula I could drop into a table and a not a standalone JSL script. 

Level X

Re: Conditional Count Across Columns

Here's one way:


// Build a table
nr = 20;		// Number of rows
nc = 10;		// Number of columns
dt = AsTable(J(nr, nc, RandomNormal(1, 1)));
dt << setName("Above and Below One");

// Find out what columns are in the table
cols = dt << getColumnNames("String");

// Build an expression to be used as the formula:
// Sum the results of an 'if' clause for each column that exists
form = Expr(Add());
for(c=1, c<=NItems(cols), c++,
	ifClause = Expr(If(columnTBD > 1, 1, 0));
	SubstituteInto(ifClause, Expr(columnTBD), Parse(":"||cols[c]));
	InsertInto(form, NameExpr(ifClause));

// Inspect the resulting formula

// Add the formula column
fc = dt << NewColumn("Count Above One", Numeric, Ordinal, Formula(NameExpr(form)));
Super User

Re: Conditional Count Across Columns

This formula wants your "calculation" column to be the last on the data table and it has to be created before adding the formula. Also this won't get updated like normal formulas, so you will have to open the formula and press Apply:

Sum(Current Data Table()[Row(), Index(1, N Cols(Current Data Table()) - 1)] > 1)
Level XII

Re: Conditional Count Across Columns

To facilitate the data update, you can add one of the input columns (here: height) as a dummy into the column formula. Then JMP will monnitor this column. To trigger an update, just edit a value in this column.

In addition, you can put the data table "access" and the column definition into as constant.

Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
New Column( "values > 60",
		As Constant(
			dt = Current Data Table();
			//cols =  Index(4,5);
			cols = {"height", "weight"};
		Sum( dt[Row(), cols] > 60 );