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Level I





示例Y =“峰度”并且列1 =“基于车轮的车辆速度”最终结果“峰度(基于车轮的车辆速度)”



我之后还需要能够删除“Y”和“Column 1”列,但仍然需要我的新列。

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1 个已接受解答

Level III

Combining Columns with Characters

You don't have to script it - just make a new column and add a formula.

Concatenation is under Character. The " (" and ")" you write yourself and the Column 1 and Column 2 are chosen from the list, so that the final formula is:

:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"

If you want it to be scripted, this is a shorter version of above.

dt << new column("Concatenated", character, formula(:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"));


9 条回复9
Level I

Combining Columns with Characters

Create a new variable (column) :  Z

Try SAS code (within a data step):  Z=compbl('"' ||Y||' ('||column1||')')

Combining Columns with Characters

You haven’t specified how you want to combine the data in the columns, but these two examples (run in JMP 9) may help you sort out the syntax you need:

Alist = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"};

dt = new table("DT",

       new column("Label", character, values(AList)),

       new column("Kurtosis", numeric, values([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10])),

       new column("Speed", values([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))


dt << new column((column(dt, 1) << get name) || " (" || (column(dt, 3) << get name) || ")",

       numeric, formula(:Label || "-" || char(:Speed)));

dt << new column((column(dt, 2) << get name) || " (" || (column(dt, 3) << get name) || ")",

       numeric, formula(:Kurtosis * :Speed));

// You can't delete the first column yet, because it's used in one of the formulae above;

column(dt, 4) << delete formula;

// NOW you can delete the first column if you want to;

dt << delete columns({"Label"});

Does this help?

Super User

Combining Columns with Characters

This will do what you want.  I'm assuming that dt points to your table.

current data table(dt);

dt << new column("Y (Column 1)", character);

for (i = 1, i <= nrows(dt), i++,

    column(dt, "Y (Column 1)")[i] = :Y[i] || " " || :Column 1[i];


Level I

Re: Combining Columns with Characters

Thanks for the help guys.  I now realize that I still know very little about the JMP software. I figured this would be a very simple thing that I wasn't seeing. I have not been able to get any of these methods to work. Though, that is probably because I don't know exactly how to implement them.

To give more detail Column 1 has 22 different "phrases" and Column Y uses 2 different Words. Currently I have to manually add Column Y to the beginning of Column 1 for the entire data set. This is obviously a very time consuming process.

I have unsuccesfully tried different formulas to get what I want

I can use Insert(:Y,:Column 1) and it gives me "KurtosisWheel Based Vehicle Speed"

I can also jus type :Y" (" and will get "Kurtosis (" but I can't jsut do the same after with Column 1 to make it work.

I can't seem to find the formula that gives me both.

Super User

Combining Columns with Characters

Dear MK17,

Here's how to do it:

- Open a script window (File > New > Script).

- Copy the code below into your new script window. 

dt = data table("My Table");

current data table(dt);

dt << new column("Y (Column 1)", character);

for (i = 1, i <= nrows(dt), i++,

    column(dt, "Y (Column 1)")[i] = :Y[i] || " " || :Column 1[i];


- Replace "My Table" with the name of your table.

- Hit CTRL-R to run the script.

That's all!

Level I

Re: Combining Columns with Characters

That worked except it did not have the "()" around Column 1.

I didn't figure out a way. It might not be the most "correct" but it worked.

I created a new column (6) and then applied the formula -  " (" || :Column 1 || ")"

Then I created another new column and used the formula - Insert(:Y, :Column 6)

and viola, it is what I wanted.

Everything worked correctly and I was able to transpose my table and add it to another.

Super User

Combining Columns with Characters

Oops here's the correct code that includes the enclosing parentheses:

dt = data table("My Table");

current data table(dt);

dt << new column("Y (Column 1)", character);

for (i = 1, i <= nrows(dt), i++,

    column(dt, "Y (Column 1)")[i] = :Y[i] || " (" || :Column 1[i] || ")";


Level III

Combining Columns with Characters

You don't have to script it - just make a new column and add a formula.

Concatenation is under Character. The " (" and ")" you write yourself and the Column 1 and Column 2 are chosen from the list, so that the final formula is:

:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"

If you want it to be scripted, this is a shorter version of above.

dt << new column("Concatenated", character, formula(:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"));

Re: Combining Columns with Characters

Came here 11 years later to thank you for the tip; still helpful!