这篇帖子最初是用 English (US) 书写的,已做计算机翻译处理。当您回复时,文字也会被翻译成 English (US)。
You don't have to script it - just make a new column and add a formula.
Concatenation is under Character. The " (" and ")" you write yourself and the Column 1 and Column 2 are chosen from the list, so that the final formula is:
:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"
If you want it to be scripted, this is a shorter version of above.
dt << new column("Concatenated", character, formula(:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"));
You haven’t specified how you want to combine the data in the columns, but these two examples (run in JMP 9) may help you sort out the syntax you need:
Alist = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"};
dt = new table("DT",
new column("Label", character, values(AList)),
new column("Kurtosis", numeric, values([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10])),
new column("Speed", values([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))
dt << new column((column(dt, 1) << get name) || " (" || (column(dt, 3) << get name) || ")",
numeric, formula(:Label || "-" || char(:Speed)));
dt << new column((column(dt, 2) << get name) || " (" || (column(dt, 3) << get name) || ")",
numeric, formula(:Kurtosis * :Speed));
// You can't delete the first column yet, because it's used in one of the formulae above;
column(dt, 4) << delete formula;
// NOW you can delete the first column if you want to;
dt << delete columns({"Label"});
Does this help?
Thanks for the help guys. I now realize that I still know very little about the JMP software. I figured this would be a very simple thing that I wasn't seeing. I have not been able to get any of these methods to work. Though, that is probably because I don't know exactly how to implement them.
To give more detail Column 1 has 22 different "phrases" and Column Y uses 2 different Words. Currently I have to manually add Column Y to the beginning of Column 1 for the entire data set. This is obviously a very time consuming process.
I have unsuccesfully tried different formulas to get what I want
I can use Insert(:Y,:Column 1) and it gives me "KurtosisWheel Based Vehicle Speed"
I can also jus type :Y" (" and will get "Kurtosis (" but I can't jsut do the same after with Column 1 to make it work.
I can't seem to find the formula that gives me both.
Dear MK17,
Here's how to do it:
- Open a script window (File > New > Script).
- Copy the code below into your new script window.
dt = data table("My Table");
current data table(dt);
dt << new column("Y (Column 1)", character);
for (i = 1, i <= nrows(dt), i++,
column(dt, "Y (Column 1)")[i] = :Y[i] || " " || :Column 1[i];
- Replace "My Table" with the name of your table.
- Hit CTRL-R to run the script.
That's all!
That worked except it did not have the "()" around Column 1.
I didn't figure out a way. It might not be the most "correct" but it worked.
I created a new column (6) and then applied the formula - " (" || :Column 1 || ")"
Then I created another new column and used the formula - Insert(:Y, :Column 6)
and viola, it is what I wanted.
Everything worked correctly and I was able to transpose my table and add it to another.
You don't have to script it - just make a new column and add a formula.
Concatenation is under Character. The " (" and ")" you write yourself and the Column 1 and Column 2 are chosen from the list, so that the final formula is:
:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"
If you want it to be scripted, this is a shorter version of above.
dt << new column("Concatenated", character, formula(:Column 1 || " (" || :Column 2 || ")"));